Auto-Switched  Dual IP Ports SPDIF & TOS IP 44.1~96KHz Includes PSU or PS cables 5V loop thro’ Robust Case
Product Description
SPDIF & TOS level to ‘AES 3’ conversion   This handy little unit (Catalogue: 462) has been developed to interface between Equipment that requires an AES3 IP, and that which offers either an SPDIF unbalanced OP, or a TOS optical OPs.   An elegant feature is the automatic change over between SPDIF or TOS operation, which requires no adjustment; the only proviso being that no attempt is made to use both inputs simultaneously!   The converter does NOT attempt to alter the protocol of the data stream so, "what goes in, comes out". It does however provide an interface that accurately matches the SPDIF and TOS links, and provides both level and impedance conversion so that Equipment with an ‘AES 3’ input is correctly driven.   The converter is normally supplied with an external 5 volt power supply with a minimum rating of 1A. The Converter’s front also houses a pair of locking connectors so that 5V power may be conveniently "looped" on to supply additional Converters.   Converter power drain is minimal at under 50mA at +5V, permitting many Units to be driven from a single PSU if required. This is ideal when several co-located Units are to be operated in close proximity, and can save the need for multiple mains outlets.   Murraypro offer three power supply options.   When ordering multiple SPDIF+TOS~AES Converter Units, Customers can specify the power supply options that are required. Murraypro can substitute the second, or further, mains PSUs for substitute 0.5M cable(s) that ‘loop’ the existing +5V supply on to additional Units.   The PSU Unit may be substituted for  looping cables “L” or a USB’ power lead “U” to obtain +5V power from a nearby PC or Laptop. ONLY dc power , and NO audio or control signal of any kind is carried by the USB cable; and this option may be particularly welcome when ‘mobile’ applications or Demonstrations are envisaged.     We offer 3 different power interface options, one of which will be always included with our SPDIF Unit. SPDIF Unit is identical for all variants, regardless of which power choice is made:-     SPDIF+TOS~AES = Default choice includes the Universal Mains PSU.     SPDIF+TOS~AES-L = Low voltage 'Looping 5V' power cable 0.5M long.         These SPDIF Units consume very little power, so one PSU can supply to 20 Units!         Remember, this can remove the requirement to install several PSU at one location, saving power outlets too.      SPDIF+TOS~AES-U = USB power cable, is intended mainly for portable applications where the SPDIF+TOS~AES Converter Unit takes 5V power from a local PC's USB Port. Customers are reminded that  the SPDIF+TOS~AES-U version does NOT communicate in any way with USB port.   M3 hank bushes are provided on the bottom so that the stainless steel case may be securely mounted for mobile use, or free standing on plastic feet for less critical mounting requirements.   Technical Note:   Users should be aware that the ‘44.1’ or ‘48KHz’ often referred to in the Digital Audio context relates only to the system’s “Word Clock” repetition frequency; the actual “Data” frequency is 384 times higher than this, at several MHz. The Digital Audio signal is therefore actually a sequence of very fast rectangular pulses. These pulses, with their fast edges, are not an easy signal to transport over any significant distance, specially using audio cable!    System Specifications determine the required send and receive characteristics, including impedance and signal levels parameters. Mismatching, possibly caused by incorrect or poor quality cable is likely to adversely affect overall performance, and this problem increases with pulse-edge transition speed and the cable length.  To reduce these effects our SPDIF+TOS Unit generates trapezoidal shaped OP pulses (resulting in controlled rise and fall times), which greatly reduce problems due to pulse ‘ringing’, but it does introduce some ‘dead time’ to the signal. Note that we do NOT  attempt to use ‘square’ waves, as their very fast edges will always promote ringing.   At 48KHz the effect of this Slew Rate limiting is minimal, but at 96KHz it is more significant, but on balance usually beneficial. If difficulties are experienced with reliability at 96KHz, we recommend a trial with equipment that is operated with 48KHz, to see whether this results in improved performance.   At 192KHz however system performance will be adversely affected, and Murraypro do NOT  recommend  attempting operation at this frequency.    Users should be reassured that since this converter unit does not alter the protocol of the signals processed in any way, it is extremely unlikely to be the cause of problems of this nature.   Outline Specification  * OP accurately matches AES-3 level.   * Looping feature for dc supply.   * Universal +5V SMPSU supplied.         * Stout stainless steel housing.   * M3 screw or free stand mounting.       * Only 7 x 6 x 4cm, 220gm.  * Matches SPDIF 75 ohm outputs.         * Interfaces with TOS optical outputs.   * Automatic SPDIF/TOS selection          * Passes DATA & Packets unmodified   
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SPDIF+TOS to AES conversion
Testamonials  Hi, Just to let you know that I connected it to my CD player and DAC and it does exactly what it says on the tin. It worked like a dream. Brilliant. Just marvellous. Many MANY thanks....." P.W" Southampton Hi. I just got a chance to hook up my SPDIF to AES box. It works perfectly! What a nice piece of gear. I will recommend it to everyone! Thanks!.......... "G.R" Birmingham. Thanks for the excellent service. The converter arrived today,  I  installed it and everything is working fine. Have a great weekend......... "T.L"  Norway We have a few of these units, and they are awesome! I am curious what your price per unit is and also if you offer bulk pricing, for example the purchase of 10 of these units? Thank you for making great products! "M.R."  CA   USA
   +5V PSU    is supplied (default choice)     
       OR choice of.... “L” Looping pwr cable “U” ‘PC’ USB pwr cable
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